Thank You King Felix

Melky Cabrera

Melky Cabrera (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Thank you King Felix. Thank you for bringing baseball back to baseball. What I mean is simple. Most of the discussion around baseball, at least in the mainstream media, has been about Bobby Valentine and the debacle that is the 2012 Boston Red Sox. Today, news broke that Melky Cabrera, famed San Francisco Giant all-star used a performance enhancing substance.

The tragedy for baseball is the never-ending stink the Steroid Era left on the sport. I would be naive to think we will rid ourselves of the specter of PEDs. However, it would be nice to have one big name, one star, not be linked to anything.

As for the Bobby Valentine situation, debacle is the word that best comes to mind. Many of us questioned the hiring. Valentine’s personality had long been discussed. Most analysts and casual observers alike saw a problem immediately. Unfortunately, the Boston ownership did not.

Felix Hernandez

Thank you King Felix. What you did today is why fans watch the game. The suspense, the drama, the history cannot be better encapsulated than a Perfect Game. The baseball gods said enough is enough. Let’s have something the game truly needs in the spotlight. A  perfect game is a perfect story. Congrats to the King. Congrats to the Mariners organization and their fans. Thanks Felix, for putting baseball back into baseball for at least one night.

P.S. I’m still taking an absence from blogging. However, I was bursting at the seams when I saw the completion of the Perfecto in Seattle. The fan in me just couldn’t resist. Until the next post….Cheers Vince V.

Kevin Youkilis and the trade to the Chicago White Sox

English: Kevin Youkilis is warming up before t...

English: Kevin Youkilis is warming up before the Min @ Bos (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Kevin Youkilis, the fan-favorite third baseman for Boston traded in his red socks for some white ones. The trading of Youkilis to the White Sox is a surprise, but isn’t surprising. Youkilis was a rock at third for the Red Sox through eight seasons and two World Championships. This trade is the right move at the right time for both organizations.

The Red Sox are going through probably one of the rougher transitions in recent sports memory. Terry Francona leaving, the adjustment to Bobby Valentine, the usual competition in the American League East. Youkilis’ numbers are not stellar. It was his time to leave Boston. If David Ortiz departs, the transition will be complete. The addition of Youkilis to the South Side of Chicago was a smart move for the White Sox organization. Youkilis not only brings experience at third, but he brings veteran leadership to the clubhouse. His leadership and experience are the true asset the White Sox acquired.

The Fans

The fans in Chicago always struck me as some of the most passionate. Regardless if they cheer for the ChiSox or the Cubs, Chicagoans know their baseball and expect much from their teams. This is where Youkilis will fit perfectly. Boston is as much a baseball pressure-cooker second maybe to New York (this statement is debatable and may just be a future post). Youkilis is better for having played in the Boston baseball fishbowl. The Chicago fans will adopt him quickly.

The Player

As I still believe it was the right time for Francona, and former Boston GM Theo Epstein to leave, so it goes for Youkilis. Almost all players reach a point where the time has come. In many ways all of us, regardless of profession, reach similar crossroads.

Finally, as a Yankee fan, I can finally feel good about Youkilis being successful. I always respected his play and what he brought to the team. Unfortunately, it was for those pesky Red Sox.

Good luck Youk.

Agree? Disagree? Let me know what you think!

The Brew Remains Bad In Boston

Kevin Youkilis is warming up before the Min @ Bos

Kevin Youkilis is warming up before the Min @ Bos (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Red Sox thought there would be significant changes in the clubhouse after Terry Francona left. The Red Sox thought correctly. Is the tit-for-tat between new manager Bobby Valentine and veteran third baseman Kevin Youkilis good? Simple answer, yes.

Bobby is being Bobby. Do I agree with Bobby’s way of talking about players? No. The unwritten rules of sport dictate players keep their issues in the clubhouse. A manager needs to give critical feedback in private too. Valentine, maybe intentionally or maybe not, succeeded in accomplishing one thing: he single-handedly unified the Red Sox players.

Dustin Pedroia‘s defense of Youkilis shows more than just concern for a teammate. Pedroia is voicing a concern that each player in that clubhouse probably has. If the manager will openly criticize a player like Youkilis, everyone on that team is fair game. Anyone, regardless of profession, will tell you managing by fear is not managing.

The baseball season is a long one. The BoSox are talented and will do some damage as the season progresses. Youkilis already said he’s over it. Valentine will find his way eventually. No one, especially the Red Sox Nation should be surprised about Bobby Valentine. He is but one of many colorful managers in baseball history. At least his club’s owner is not firing him on television. My apologies to Billy Martin and Mr. Steinbrenner.

Lately, the theme in baseball is managers making the headlines. This isn’t what baseball needs. It’s time for these outspoken managers to change their ways and leave the game to the players. Let them play.

Agree? Disagree? Let me know what you think!

Boston, Beer, and Baseball

English: Bobby Valentine signing a ball at the...

Image via Wikipedia

No more beer in Boston? I must apologize for not posting in a long while, but of course sometimes life happens. That being said, I decided to jump back in for the time being thanks to a faithful follower of mine. Thanks Bill. Bobby Valentine has dictated no more beer in the Red Sox Clubhouse. Kudos to Bobby V.

Baseball clubhouses are the quintessential fraternity. Once the reporters leave, what happens in the clubhouse, stays in the clubhouse. The Red Sox are not the first professional sports organization to have alcohol in the clubhouse. What then is the problem for Boston? Simple, they are the Red Sox. Just as Babe Ruth was notoriously known for his larger-than-life, off field living, drinking in the Boston clubhouse is news.

To what extent, if any, the drinking contributed to Boston’s collapse in 2011 is mere speculation on my part. The allowance of alcohol speaks to a larger organizational culture issue. In my opinion, the atmosphere was simply too relaxed. The culture today is not that of the 1950’s or 1960’s.

The Red Sox are one of the most high-profile sports organizations in American sports. Alcohol consumption in the clubhouse was bound to get out. This was never a question of if, but when. The days where reporters kept players personal behavior sacred are long gone. Valentine’s action serves another purpose: banning beer in the clubhouse brings the reality of the workplace back to professional sports. To my knowledge, there are few professions that allow alcohol consumption on the premises or during work hours. In one motion, Valentine reminded the players they are there to work….and win.

Like most stories of this nature, this will pass and become old news. The Red Sox team Valentine inherited consists of the most talent he’s ever managed. The culture in Boston has changed. Let’s see what they can do in 2012.


Bobby Valentine: Yankee Hater

English: Bobby Valentine signing a ball at the...

Image via Wikipedia

Bobby Valentine stated he hates the New York Yankees. Really Bobby? Valentine is famous for his unique personality. I think his hiring as Red Sox manager is a good move for that organization. Of course time will tell how the team performs. For a manager to comment he hates another team is just not necessary.

Valentine’s comments are nothing more than a marketing tool. He knew what he said . Does it spice up the rivalry? Maybe for Boston fans. Yankee fans probably don’t care all that much. I’m only posting about it because I think it speaks to a larger cultural issue. We like fluff. Bobby’s comments are fluff and contain no substance. This doesn’t add to the rivalry. Managers and players should channel their ill-feelings of opposing teams when playing. Leave it out of the press. This is just one more example of our cultural preference, and not just with sport, rewarding sensationalism over substance.

If Valentine really wanted to motivate his players and the Red Sox Nation, say you are going to play the Yanks harder than ever before and leave it there. Hate? Really? I don’t agree with the use of the word when it comes to competition. Call me overly politically correct. Maybe I’m blowing this out of proportion, if so, I apologize. This week of all weeks in baseball, comments such as these are mere moves for attention.

Fans, let’s focus on where Pujols will finally end up. Let’s keep our eyes on Miami as they are holding nothing back with their moves. Prince Fielder anyone? Who heard Jose Reyes comment the Mets didn’t offer him anything? These are far more significant stories in baseball.

Bobby Valentine As the Red Sox Manager?

Robert John Valentine (born May 13, 1950 in St...

Image via Wikipedia

Bobby Valentine and Gene Lamont are the final two candidates for the coveted Boston Red Sox managerial position. The question this blogger has, would Bobby Valentine be a good fit for the BoSox dugout? Probably. Bobby Valentine brings a unique brand of passion to the game. Who else would disguise themselves with a mustache in the dugout after being ejected for arguing a call at home plate? I digress.

Boston needs a manager with a backbone and one who understands the numbers of the game. Valentine is known for his attitude. The Red Sox players will need to adjust to his style. Observers can safely assume not all personalities in the Red Sox clubhouse will mesh with Bobby’s. Red Sox ownership is involved in on-the-field and clubhouse activities, if Valentine can handle an involved ownership remains to be seen. The case for Valentine is strengthened by his managerial time in New York with the Mets. He took the Mets to consecutive National Leauge Championship Series appearances. Losing to the Yankees in the 2000 World Series brought its own pressure in the New York Fishbowl.

I’ve said this before and I will repeat it here, much to the sickening of Red Sox fans, Boston is more like the Yankees when it comes to the organization’s expectations. For this reason alone, Valentine should be the next manager. Gene Lamont lacks the experience Valentine brings. Simply put, Lamont won’t excel in the statistic driven business that Boston is in.

If Bobby Valentine becomes the next manager of the Boston Red Sox, a new chapter in one of baseball’s most storied rivalries will open. The Yankees and their fans will curse his name. Of course, Valentine will need to be able to actually manage the talent he would have. Former BoSox manager Terry Francona appeared quiet and cerebral. Bobby Valentine will be “loud” and unashamed to display his statistical prowess. What 2012 will bring for the Red Sox remains to be seen. From the outside looking in, I think Valentine is the best of the two candidates.